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Featured Album: "Blonde on Blonde" by Bob Dylan

Updated: Aug 27, 2021

“Blonde on Blonde” is the seventh studio album from American folk pioneer Bob Dylan. Recorded in Nashville during a creative stint and released in June of 1966, the album has gone down in history as rock’s first ever double release. Recorded with The Hawks when he was only 22, “Blonde on Blonde” has become a critical darling and developed a lasting impression on popular music more than 50 years later. The album is the ninth-most featured of all time on “best ever” lists, claiming the number 2 spot on Rolling Stone’s “500 Greatest Albums of All Time” and earning an induction into the Grammy Hall of Fame in 1999. The album is neurotic, humorous, and compassionate as it tries to encapsulate the simultaneous beauty and absolute absurdity of the circus performances of everyday life. Walk across Dylan’s high wire with tracks like “Just Like a Woman,” “I Want You,” and “Visions of Johanna” (which Joan Baez claims is written about her) by streaming the experience in its entirety now on Spotify!

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